Our Portfolio
Building trust and satisfaction between Laysan and client is our primary goal. And I have achieved with our works.
Building trust and satisfaction between Laysan and client is our primary goal. And I have achieved with our works.
Billing Software
Tools/Platform used: C#, SQL Server,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact
Result Processing
Tools/Platform used: C#, SQL Server,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Reading OMR/OCR/ICR from Images
Tools/Platform used: C#, sql SQL Server, Tesseract OCR Engine,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Thumb Impression Matching
Tools/Platform used: C#, SQL Server, Neuron Technology,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Printer Monitor Software
Tools/Platform used: C#, Printing,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Email scheduler Software
Tools/Platform used: C#,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Password Manager
Tools/Platform used: C#, Cryptography Security,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx
Question Booklet Packaging Software
Tools/Platform used: C#, SQL Server,
Project Url: https://laysantechnologies.com/contact.aspx